Listen to an Interview with Diana about the book HERE.
Now that I look back on it, it all started with a visionary dream years before I came to find out I’d been Chosen. The dream is still fresh in my mind’s eye even after all this time. It is the middle of the night. I am leading an army of women out in the field through gunfire and mortars being launched overhead. Smoke and the smell of death and destruction filled the air, and amidst it all, is a yellow flower poking up through the trodden dirt which was still perfect and has narrowly missed being trampled underfoot. I stand there and looked at it for what feels like a long time. When I wake up, the images are still fresh in my mind. For a period of approximately two years after that particular dream, I dreamt of Armageddon nearly every night.
“And it will be in the last days, says God that I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. I will even pour out My Spirit on My male and female slaves in those days, and they will prophesy.” Acts 2:17-18 (HCSB)
For as long as I can remember I’ve always enjoyed writing and often entertained the idea of one day writing a novel but it’d always been no more than a hobby for me because life just always seemed to get in the way of pursuing that dream. Never would I have ever imagined that the book I would end up writing would contain the important message to Mankind that this one does. And, it quite literally, just happened out of no effort of my own other than taking the time to write it all down.
It was actually my interest in the paranormal that led me to the journey you’re about to read about and that ultimately led me to being fully enlightened as to the secret truths that lay beyond this physical world we live in. These truths will be revealed to you in this book. First and foremost though, let me assure you that while this book does support Christianity, I do not back or promote any specific man-made organized religion. What I do back is the truth and in its simplest terms, this is what I have been chosen to do; to share the truth. I also support giving the skeptics a chance to view the other side. From there, whether they accept the truth or not, will be completely up to them because it is an issue of Free Will and I don’t want anyone to accept or do anything they don’t want to.
I have always believed in the existence of an afterlife, a Creator and Jesus Christ. An upbringing in a Catholic home instilled it’s teachings in me from an early age and gave me a good foundation and a set of good morals but it was always the same elementary messages repeated fifty-two Sunday’s a year, year after year after year. I would look around at the people sitting near me, wondering if they were counting stained glass window pieces like I was or were they really getting anything out of all of this? Where was the enlightenment? Where was the nourishment for my soul? As I grew older I began to search for this enlightment and nourishment. I read about many different religions and this was when my mind really began to tie itself in knots over what was the truth and what wasn’t. It seemed to me that every religion had pieces of truth, but nothing seemed to have the whole truth. Nothing really clicked. No lightbulb went on over my head and no exclamation of “a-ha!” would be heard. That’s when that little element of doubt started to burrow its way through my brain like a parasite, eating away at the faith the Catholic religion had provided throughout a childhood filled with Sundays and Holy days of worship.
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve also had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and the supernatural, spanning nearly 26 years now. Growing up I always found myself pulled towards the Metaphysical and New Age sections of libraries and bookstores. It just seemed to me that if I read enough about it, all the secrets would be revealed because I, like most people, have always had a lot of unanswered questions and intrigue when it came to the paranormal, the supernatural, religion and spirituality. My quest was a personal one. It was something I seldom discussed with anyone because of the stigma attached to those who have an interest in “The Occult” and quite honestly the people I met who were openly interested in it always seemed a little on the strange side to me. Back then I never would have been able to explain that for me it’s never been a matter of finding out if there was another realm where God and Angels and Spirits existed, it was to better understand a realm that I already knew in my heart did exist but just didn’t understand. In retrospect it was as if I’d been born knowing, but had forgotten how to communicate with that realm or didn’t have the necessary tools or knowledge that would enable me to do so.
So, over the years I read a lot of books. Some of them made sense and some didn’t and others left me with more questions. I read about Psychics, Astrology, Nostradomus, Palm Reading, Past Lives and Past Life Regression, Soul Mates, Star Seeds, Witchcraft, Tarot Cards, Tea Leafs, Numerology, The Bible Code, Buddhism, Wicca, Paganism….you name it, I read about it. While much of it was entertaining to read about, a lot of it didn’t quite make sense to me. Every now and then I also went to psychics and psychic fairs to have my cards or palms read. When I lived in Atlanta, (I’ve lived in six states – going wherever the wind blew me), I was a member of The Atlanta Spiritualist Association. That’s when things really started to click for me. This was something that made sense.
After moving to California in 1996 I booked a session with a psychic that was highly recommended to me by a friend who was also a coworker. My friend raved about this woman so I figured I’d give her a try and see what she had to say. Because my Grandfather had recently passed away, I was hoping she might be able to make contact with him for me. Unfortunately, I walked away from that session with a cassette tape of the reading in my hand and a huge question mark floating over my head. Honestly, at the time I thought she’d been way off the mark. It wasn’t until this year (2005), seven years after the fact that the things she said have finally started to make sense. Little did I know then, that what this psychic was seeing wasn’t the near future but what awaited me in the more distant future and she was right on the mark. It didn’t make sense then, but it sure does now. Because I’ve always been one to keep a diary or journal, I am able to share the notes I took on that reading that day.
• I’m still in training. There is more training now than in the past and there is a hesitation of work on the spiritual level. I must have conviction for doing it.
• There was a spark or explosion on the time line on the day and time I was born. I came in as an adult and continue to walk as an adult. I have a lot of power but I’m over protective of it. I possess a “no nonsense soul”.
• In the future, I will not have to question whether or not I’m psychic. People will come to me and ask questions. Be prepared for spirit to say “I send them to you now open your mouth”.
• Angels are coming through. Great beauty of the face. Their eyes sparkle like the light of the sun. There are obstacles to keep a relationship with them.
• I should do more online. Write a book. Write for the purpose I intend it for. I’m too intense. I should relax. What I establish will be very powerful. Don’t analyze. Don’t pull a world into the book, do what it’s meant to do.
• I see things in a way most people can’t see them.
• I will be instrumental in helping to lift the veil and reveal other realms.
This book is a written and pictorial documentation of my own personal journey into what I refer to as my spiritual enlightenment as well as the details of my participation in the Spiritual War that rages in the unseen Spirit Realm. Things have been revealed to me that others can learn from if only their hearts are open to accept the truth. As the psychic told me, I’ve tried to not pull a whole world into the book and only share what needs to be shared; the things that need to be said to the masses. This book is meant to help “lift the veil” and give a better understanding as to what the Spirit Realm is all about and how God through his Holy Angels and Holy Ghosts communicate with us and through each and every one of us. It will also explain in great detail, the events of what is happening within the invisible Spirit Realm and exactly how the Spiritual War is playing out.
I’ve lived a lot in my thirty-six years and have experienced a lot as well. At the beginning of 2005 I had come to a point where I had begun to prescribe to many of the scientific theories in regards to the origin of life and validity of the Bible. What was left of my faith was dwindling and ready to fade away into nothingness thanks to that parasite of knowledge in my brain when I came across The Anointed Cherub Organization and a man, who is referred to as the Cherub’s Messenger. Could it be true, I asked myself? Is it a hoax? Was this guy completely nuts? Was he a kook? Was he on something? Was it both or all of the above? There was only one way to find out and that was to stick around, remain skeptical and come to my own conclusions. So I did, I have and I hope you will too. I didn’t just walk into this blindly believing everything I was told. I had to ask a lot of questions, do a lot of reading, research and experimenting of my own before I decided either way. It felt as if an unknown force was driving me to do so.
What I have to share with you will undoubtedly seem as surreal to you as it has to me. It will seem made up. You may think that even Hollywood couldn’t dream this stuff up. You may think it’s a hoax. You may also wonder if I’ve had a psychological evaluation or if I’m imagining things, gullible, impressionable or just telling huge lies. I can assure you that I am completely sane, am not imagining things or making anything up. Yes, it’s surreal but I would swear on a stack of Bibles or go through any battery of psychological or polygraph tests if that is what it would take to convince people that I speak only what I believe with all my heart to be the truth.
The truth will be met with severe scrutiny by atheists; self proclaimed paranormal experts, skeptics, non-believers, scientists and various religious clergy – Christian and non-Christian alike. They will accuse me of belonging to a cult, worshiping angels, of being a heretic, blasphemer and worse.
In no way is this book meant to preach, judge or convince. I’ve always had issues with people who have tried to shove their religious beliefs down my throat and that’s not something I wish to do. As humans, we have all been given the gift of Free Will and the ability to reason. This book is meant to enlighten and that’s exactly what it will do if the reader’s heart is open to the truth. This story is told in sequence, from the beginning to where I currently stand in my spirituality. Much of the book is compiled of the exact conversations I had with the Cherub’s Messenger and some of it is my own personal accounts as well as behind the scenes looks at some of the investigations, demon oustings, study and research that I’ve done as a paranormal investigator, ordained minister and demonologist. I like to think that it has a little bit of everything and that everyone can find something new, thought provoking and/or exciting discover regardless of personal beliefs or upbringings.
Within the pages of this book you will also find the visual End Times messages from the Cherubic Order. Due to printing restrictions that enabled me to only show them in black and white, I also encourage you to visit my website where you can view these images as well as many others in full color and better detail. As the Cherubic Commander was saying in his opening letter, The Cherubic Order are the front line defenders of the earth. In short, they are an Army of Angels. You will find warnings of what is to come that has been written about and prophesied long ago and is taking place now in these End Times. You will also find some of the mysteries surrounding the supernatural and paranormal revealed as I unfold the truths of The Spirit Realm throughout these pages. You will also receive new insights on the Bible and the true meanings of the Scriptures as relayed by the Cherubic Order. Hopefully, for many of you, you will find faith and understanding just as I have. Overall, that is my greatest hope.
Just do me one favor. Once you have finished reading “Chosen”, take the time to look around and take in the state of the world today and what’s going on around you. Really think about and actually open your eyes to seeing how things have so drastically changed in our world just over the last century alone. Observe how we’ve all become so accepting of moral and social issues that were at one time unacceptable and even unspeakable just a hundred years ago. I assure you, the signs are all around us if only we open our eyes, minds and hearts to seeing them. Then, make up your mind and choose to either believe or not believe what you have read. Then and only then, draw your own conclusions. It’s completely up to you and your heart will dictate either way. You’re either going to love it or hate it. I don’t believe there will be any in betweens. But, that’s the way it is in the Spiritual War as well; either you are on God’s side or Satan’s side. There’s no sitting on the fence allowed. Read more HERE
Now that I look back on it, it all started with a visionary dream years before I came to find out I’d been Chosen. The dream is still fresh in my mind’s eye even after all this time. It is the middle of the night. I am leading an army of women out in the field through gunfire and mortars being launched overhead. Smoke and the smell of death and destruction filled the air, and amidst it all, is a yellow flower poking up through the trodden dirt which was still perfect and has narrowly missed being trampled underfoot. I stand there and looked at it for what feels like a long time. When I wake up, the images are still fresh in my mind. For a period of approximately two years after that particular dream, I dreamt of Armageddon nearly every night.
“And it will be in the last days, says God that I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. I will even pour out My Spirit on My male and female slaves in those days, and they will prophesy.” Acts 2:17-18 (HCSB)
For as long as I can remember I’ve always enjoyed writing and often entertained the idea of one day writing a novel but it’d always been no more than a hobby for me because life just always seemed to get in the way of pursuing that dream. Never would I have ever imagined that the book I would end up writing would contain the important message to Mankind that this one does. And, it quite literally, just happened out of no effort of my own other than taking the time to write it all down.
It was actually my interest in the paranormal that led me to the journey you’re about to read about and that ultimately led me to being fully enlightened as to the secret truths that lay beyond this physical world we live in. These truths will be revealed to you in this book. First and foremost though, let me assure you that while this book does support Christianity, I do not back or promote any specific man-made organized religion. What I do back is the truth and in its simplest terms, this is what I have been chosen to do; to share the truth. I also support giving the skeptics a chance to view the other side. From there, whether they accept the truth or not, will be completely up to them because it is an issue of Free Will and I don’t want anyone to accept or do anything they don’t want to.
I have always believed in the existence of an afterlife, a Creator and Jesus Christ. An upbringing in a Catholic home instilled it’s teachings in me from an early age and gave me a good foundation and a set of good morals but it was always the same elementary messages repeated fifty-two Sunday’s a year, year after year after year. I would look around at the people sitting near me, wondering if they were counting stained glass window pieces like I was or were they really getting anything out of all of this? Where was the enlightenment? Where was the nourishment for my soul? As I grew older I began to search for this enlightment and nourishment. I read about many different religions and this was when my mind really began to tie itself in knots over what was the truth and what wasn’t. It seemed to me that every religion had pieces of truth, but nothing seemed to have the whole truth. Nothing really clicked. No lightbulb went on over my head and no exclamation of “a-ha!” would be heard. That’s when that little element of doubt started to burrow its way through my brain like a parasite, eating away at the faith the Catholic religion had provided throughout a childhood filled with Sundays and Holy days of worship.
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve also had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and the supernatural, spanning nearly 26 years now. Growing up I always found myself pulled towards the Metaphysical and New Age sections of libraries and bookstores. It just seemed to me that if I read enough about it, all the secrets would be revealed because I, like most people, have always had a lot of unanswered questions and intrigue when it came to the paranormal, the supernatural, religion and spirituality. My quest was a personal one. It was something I seldom discussed with anyone because of the stigma attached to those who have an interest in “The Occult” and quite honestly the people I met who were openly interested in it always seemed a little on the strange side to me. Back then I never would have been able to explain that for me it’s never been a matter of finding out if there was another realm where God and Angels and Spirits existed, it was to better understand a realm that I already knew in my heart did exist but just didn’t understand. In retrospect it was as if I’d been born knowing, but had forgotten how to communicate with that realm or didn’t have the necessary tools or knowledge that would enable me to do so.
So, over the years I read a lot of books. Some of them made sense and some didn’t and others left me with more questions. I read about Psychics, Astrology, Nostradomus, Palm Reading, Past Lives and Past Life Regression, Soul Mates, Star Seeds, Witchcraft, Tarot Cards, Tea Leafs, Numerology, The Bible Code, Buddhism, Wicca, Paganism….you name it, I read about it. While much of it was entertaining to read about, a lot of it didn’t quite make sense to me. Every now and then I also went to psychics and psychic fairs to have my cards or palms read. When I lived in Atlanta, (I’ve lived in six states – going wherever the wind blew me), I was a member of The Atlanta Spiritualist Association. That’s when things really started to click for me. This was something that made sense.
After moving to California in 1996 I booked a session with a psychic that was highly recommended to me by a friend who was also a coworker. My friend raved about this woman so I figured I’d give her a try and see what she had to say. Because my Grandfather had recently passed away, I was hoping she might be able to make contact with him for me. Unfortunately, I walked away from that session with a cassette tape of the reading in my hand and a huge question mark floating over my head. Honestly, at the time I thought she’d been way off the mark. It wasn’t until this year (2005), seven years after the fact that the things she said have finally started to make sense. Little did I know then, that what this psychic was seeing wasn’t the near future but what awaited me in the more distant future and she was right on the mark. It didn’t make sense then, but it sure does now. Because I’ve always been one to keep a diary or journal, I am able to share the notes I took on that reading that day.
• I’m still in training. There is more training now than in the past and there is a hesitation of work on the spiritual level. I must have conviction for doing it.
• There was a spark or explosion on the time line on the day and time I was born. I came in as an adult and continue to walk as an adult. I have a lot of power but I’m over protective of it. I possess a “no nonsense soul”.
• In the future, I will not have to question whether or not I’m psychic. People will come to me and ask questions. Be prepared for spirit to say “I send them to you now open your mouth”.
• Angels are coming through. Great beauty of the face. Their eyes sparkle like the light of the sun. There are obstacles to keep a relationship with them.
• I should do more online. Write a book. Write for the purpose I intend it for. I’m too intense. I should relax. What I establish will be very powerful. Don’t analyze. Don’t pull a world into the book, do what it’s meant to do.
• I see things in a way most people can’t see them.
• I will be instrumental in helping to lift the veil and reveal other realms.
This book is a written and pictorial documentation of my own personal journey into what I refer to as my spiritual enlightenment as well as the details of my participation in the Spiritual War that rages in the unseen Spirit Realm. Things have been revealed to me that others can learn from if only their hearts are open to accept the truth. As the psychic told me, I’ve tried to not pull a whole world into the book and only share what needs to be shared; the things that need to be said to the masses. This book is meant to help “lift the veil” and give a better understanding as to what the Spirit Realm is all about and how God through his Holy Angels and Holy Ghosts communicate with us and through each and every one of us. It will also explain in great detail, the events of what is happening within the invisible Spirit Realm and exactly how the Spiritual War is playing out.
I’ve lived a lot in my thirty-six years and have experienced a lot as well. At the beginning of 2005 I had come to a point where I had begun to prescribe to many of the scientific theories in regards to the origin of life and validity of the Bible. What was left of my faith was dwindling and ready to fade away into nothingness thanks to that parasite of knowledge in my brain when I came across The Anointed Cherub Organization and a man, who is referred to as the Cherub’s Messenger. Could it be true, I asked myself? Is it a hoax? Was this guy completely nuts? Was he a kook? Was he on something? Was it both or all of the above? There was only one way to find out and that was to stick around, remain skeptical and come to my own conclusions. So I did, I have and I hope you will too. I didn’t just walk into this blindly believing everything I was told. I had to ask a lot of questions, do a lot of reading, research and experimenting of my own before I decided either way. It felt as if an unknown force was driving me to do so.
What I have to share with you will undoubtedly seem as surreal to you as it has to me. It will seem made up. You may think that even Hollywood couldn’t dream this stuff up. You may think it’s a hoax. You may also wonder if I’ve had a psychological evaluation or if I’m imagining things, gullible, impressionable or just telling huge lies. I can assure you that I am completely sane, am not imagining things or making anything up. Yes, it’s surreal but I would swear on a stack of Bibles or go through any battery of psychological or polygraph tests if that is what it would take to convince people that I speak only what I believe with all my heart to be the truth.
The truth will be met with severe scrutiny by atheists; self proclaimed paranormal experts, skeptics, non-believers, scientists and various religious clergy – Christian and non-Christian alike. They will accuse me of belonging to a cult, worshiping angels, of being a heretic, blasphemer and worse.
In no way is this book meant to preach, judge or convince. I’ve always had issues with people who have tried to shove their religious beliefs down my throat and that’s not something I wish to do. As humans, we have all been given the gift of Free Will and the ability to reason. This book is meant to enlighten and that’s exactly what it will do if the reader’s heart is open to the truth. This story is told in sequence, from the beginning to where I currently stand in my spirituality. Much of the book is compiled of the exact conversations I had with the Cherub’s Messenger and some of it is my own personal accounts as well as behind the scenes looks at some of the investigations, demon oustings, study and research that I’ve done as a paranormal investigator, ordained minister and demonologist. I like to think that it has a little bit of everything and that everyone can find something new, thought provoking and/or exciting discover regardless of personal beliefs or upbringings.
Within the pages of this book you will also find the visual End Times messages from the Cherubic Order. Due to printing restrictions that enabled me to only show them in black and white, I also encourage you to visit my website where you can view these images as well as many others in full color and better detail. As the Cherubic Commander was saying in his opening letter, The Cherubic Order are the front line defenders of the earth. In short, they are an Army of Angels. You will find warnings of what is to come that has been written about and prophesied long ago and is taking place now in these End Times. You will also find some of the mysteries surrounding the supernatural and paranormal revealed as I unfold the truths of The Spirit Realm throughout these pages. You will also receive new insights on the Bible and the true meanings of the Scriptures as relayed by the Cherubic Order. Hopefully, for many of you, you will find faith and understanding just as I have. Overall, that is my greatest hope.
Just do me one favor. Once you have finished reading “Chosen”, take the time to look around and take in the state of the world today and what’s going on around you. Really think about and actually open your eyes to seeing how things have so drastically changed in our world just over the last century alone. Observe how we’ve all become so accepting of moral and social issues that were at one time unacceptable and even unspeakable just a hundred years ago. I assure you, the signs are all around us if only we open our eyes, minds and hearts to seeing them. Then, make up your mind and choose to either believe or not believe what you have read. Then and only then, draw your own conclusions. It’s completely up to you and your heart will dictate either way. You’re either going to love it or hate it. I don’t believe there will be any in betweens. But, that’s the way it is in the Spiritual War as well; either you are on God’s side or Satan’s side. There’s no sitting on the fence allowed. Read more HERE